Darren Potter

We recently sold our management rights business after more than 15 years in partnership. Our history with ResortBrokers remains unbroken. Time and again they deliver more than our expectations and go the extra mile to meet our objectives like price and timing. ResortBrokers also understands that for success there are other parties who need their expectations realised, like the body corporate committee. ResortBrokers finds purchasers fit for purpose after completing appropriate due diligence and enquiry, ensuring success for all. We worked cooperatively with ResortBrokers, while incentivising great outcomes for all. In the end we were all winners with happy vendors (price), purchasers (business), and body corporate members (smooth transitions). A huge thank to Jeff who is such a super person and who listens more than he speaks. He goes on the journey with you and clears the hurdles before you need to jump. Jeff is not just a respected, trusted and valued broker but also a great confidante in this industry and someone whose opinions and counsel we seek and value incredibly. It really is hard to look past such a competent, informed and experienced team than ResortBrokers.

Darren Potter, Seller
Victoria Cove

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